Projects and collaborations

The SSPC collaborates actively in a number of reasearch and clinical projects.

Verein Kinderherzforschung Schweiz (VKHFS)

The Association for Pediatric Heart Research Switzerland (VKHFS) was founded in 2015 on the initiative of the Swiss Society of Pediatric Cardiology. It promotes research in the field of pediatric cardiology and is reponsible for the establishment of a scientific registry (SPHC) with comprehensive long-term data on congenital heart defects and acquired heart diseases in children and adolescents in Switzerland.


Swiss Pediatric Heart Cohort (SPHC) Registry

The Swiss Pediatric Heart Cohort (SPHC) is a scientific registry that records prospective data from all children and adolescents, throughout Switzerland, presenting with a congenital or acquired heart defect. The data is collected by Swiss pediatric cardiologists, after informed consent from patients and parents. The SPHC registry has been ongoing since 2019.


Neurodevelopmental Outcome Registry for Children with Congenital Heart Disease (ORCHID)

The Swiss neurodevelopemental Outcome Registry for Children with severe Congenital Heart Disease (ORCHID) is an ongoing registry since January 2019, resulting of the collaboration between neurodevelopemtal paediatricians and pediatric cardiologists in Switzerland. The registry aims to analyze, prospectively, neurodevelopmental outcome of children treated for severe congenital heart disease throughout Switzerland.


Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography (TNE)

Specific training in Targeted Neonatal Echocardiography (TNE) is possible in Switzerland, since 2016. It is the result of a collaboration between the Swiss Society of Neonatology (SSN) and the Swiss Society of Pediatric Cardiology (SSPC). The regulations and training requirements have been approved and adopted by the SIWF/ISFM in 2021.

Reglement SIWF July 2021

Règlement ISFM juillet 2021


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