
The Statutes below are provided in English for convenience. Please consider the French and German-language versions as the representative, reference versions.

  1. Name

Under the name "Swiss Society of Pediatric Cardiology" (in the following text "the Society") - an association founded on 9 April 1997 within the meaning of Art. 60 of the Swiss Civil Code - to unite physicians concerned with cardiovascular diseases throughout the development of the heart. The seat of the Society is determined by the Board of Directors, preferably the place of residence of the Secretary.

  1. Purpose

The purpose of the Society is to promote basic and applied research, as well as advanced training in the field of pediatric cardiology. Pediatric cardiology encompasses all diagnostic, non-surgical therapeutic and preventive medical aspects of the cardiovascular system in the growing organism, i.e. from foetus to adulthood. The Society safeguards the interests of its members in terms of professional policy and business. It promotes close cooperation and the exchange of opinions in the field of pediatric cardiology at home and abroad. It is concerned about quality assurance in the field. It works closely with the cardiological community. It works closely with the Swiss Pediatric Heart Research Association (VKHFS), the Swiss Society of Pediatrics, the Swiss Society of Cardiology, the Association of European Pediatric Cardiologists (AEPC), the Swiss Heart Foundation and Herznetz.

The statutes of the Swiss Medical Association (FMH) are binding for the Society and its members. The Society assumes, among other things, all the tasks and functions of a focal point of the Swiss Medical Association for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine within the meaning of Art. 19 of the FMH Statutes of 9 May 2019.

  1. Members

The Society shall consist of Ordinary, Extraordinary, Junior, Senior and Corresponding Members. Ordinary Members and Senior Members have voting rights. Extraordinary, Junior and Correspondent Members shall not have voting rights.

Ordinary members can be any doctor with the specialist title of pediatric and adolescent medicine FMH with a focus on pediatric cardiology. In addition, any doctor with internationally recognised further training and a title in pediatric cardiology who works in Switzerland as a pediatric cardiologist.

Extraordinary member can be a doctor who has a professional connection with pediatric cardiology.

Junior Member can be a doctor who is in further training in pediatric cardiology or in a speciality related to pediatric cardiology.

Corresponding Member may be any physician who maintains a correspondence with the Society, has a professional connection with pediatric cardiology and is located abroad.

Senior Member status is achieved when an Ordinary Member reaches the age of 64/65 years or upon giving up their professional activity. This shall be done by notification to the Secretary.

The General Assembly decides, based on recommendation by the Executive Committee, on the admission of new members. The new member must be present in person at the General Assembly (only junior and full members). The application must be made in writing to the President of the Society, accompanied by the curriculum vitae, a copy of the relevant medical diplomas and a letter of recommendation from each of two full members. Membership expires at the time of death, resignation or exclusion. Resignation shall be notified to the Executive Board in writing. The exclusion of a member shall be proposed by the Executive Board on the basis of a written application in the event of a gross violation of the Code of Ethics or the Statutes. Before expulsion, the member must be given the opportunity to justify and defend himself/herself at the General Assembly. The exclusion shall be decided at the General Assembly by a two-thirds majority of the ordinary members present. The exclusion shall be communicated to the member in writing.

Ordinary and extraordinary members pay an annual membership fee. Senior, Junior and Correspondent Members are exempt from such payment for membership. Members shall pay an annual subscription.

Only ordinary members with FMH titles are eligible for FMH-relevant tasks and functions (further education and training issues, election to FMH committees)

  1. Bodies

The organs of the Society are:

  • The General Assembly
  • Board of Directors
  • Auditors
  • Commissions
  1. General Assembly

The General Assembly shall be held twice a year. The Board or one third of the members may request the convening of an extraordinary General Assembly. The General Meetings shall be convened by the Board of Directors by written invitation stating the agenda at least one month before the date of the meeting. The powers of the General Assembly include: election of the Board of Directors, approval of the budget and annual accounts, admission of new members, determination of the annual membership fee and amendment of the Statutes. The resolutions of the General Assembly shall be adopted by the Board of Directors.

The resolutions of the General Assembly shall be adopted by a simple majority of the votes cast by all members present and entitled to vote, unless otherwise provided for in these Statutes. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.

The Board may hold a written ballot without a General Meeting among the members entitled to vote (so-called circular ballot of the plenary). The voting documents must be sent to the members at least one month before the date of the vote. A two-thirds majority is required for a circular resolution; otherwise the casting vote of the President shall apply.

  1. The Board

Term of office indicated in years

The Executive Board consists of:

  • President: 2
  • Pre-President: 2
  • Past-President: 2
  • Treasurer (at the same time administrative secretary): 3 + 3
  • Scientific Secretary: 3 + 3

The above officers are elected by open ballot at the General Assembly.

The President shall be proposed for confirmation as President after 2 years. After two more years, he becomes a Past-President after confirmation.

At least 2 members of the Executive Board must be active in a university hospital.

The term of office begins at the beginning of the next calendar year after the election. Immediate re-election to the same office shall not be possible, with the exception of the Treasurer (also Administrative Secretary) and the Scientific Secretary, who may be re-elected once. Later re-election for the same office shall be possible. The Board of Directors is quorate when it is complete. Online participation is possible. In exceptional cases, written consent to decisions may be given in case of absence. Board meetings can be requested by any member of the Board.

The Board has the following tasks:

The President shall convene the meetings, conduct the proceedings of the Society, represent it externally and receive correspondence addressed to it. He shall sign with two signatories with legally binding effect together with a second member of the Board of Directors.

A member of the Board shall represent the Society on the Board of the Swiss Society of Cardiology (SGK) in accordance with its Statutes and shall assume this function at the General Assembly of the SGK following his taking office. In return, a representative of the SGK has a seat on our Board without voting rights. A Board member represents the Society vis-à-vis the Swiss Society of Pediatry (SGP).

The President and the Past-President shall support the President in his work and, if necessary, act as his deputy. The deputies shall be appointed in the order of first President, second Past President.

The Scientific Secretary coordinates and supports research projects that are carried out on behalf of the SGPK or are thematically related to the Society. He is responsible for the scientific programme of the conferences.

The treasurer (also secretary) manages the business, keeps the register of members and collects the annual fees. At the Ordinary General Meeting, he shall render account of the state of the finances of the previous financial year. He shall prepare the business and agenda of the Board, the Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings and the scientific meetings, and shall draw up and send out the agenda. He writes the minutes of the General Meetings.

  1. Auditors

The term of office of the Auditors shall be 3 years. They do not necessarily have to be members of the Association. Re-election is possible. The Auditors shall examine the annual accounts and the entire administration of the Association's assets and shall report thereon in writing to the Executive Committee for the attention of the General Assembly.

  1. Commissions

On recommendation by the Executive Board, the General Assembly is entitled to set up commissions to deal with special issues and to appoint their presidents. These commissions shall report on their activities at the General Meetings. Existing Commissions and Commission Regulations: see Statutes Supplement - Commissions

  1. Closing of accounts

The association year corresponds to the calendar year. Membership fees are due with the request for payment.

  1. Scientific meetings

At least one scientific meeting is held annually, usually on the occasion of the General Assembly. In addition, the Society organises educational courses and symposia on aspects of pädiatric cardiology as needed.

  1. Amendments to the statutes

Proposals for amendments to the Statutes may be submitted to the Executive Committee by any Member in good standing. Any amendment to the Statutes shall be discussed in advance by the Executive Committee. Amendments to the Statutes may only be adopted if they have been duly put on the agenda. Amendments to the Statutes require a two-thirds majority of the valid votes cast by the members present.

  1. Representation of the Society

Only the members of the Board of Directors or members appointed by the Board of Directors may officially represent the Society. The place and form of publications or other official statements of the Society shall be decided by the Executive Board.

  1. Dissolution of the Society

The dissolution of the Society may be decided only by the oral or written consent of three-fourths of the Ordinary Members. Prior to the dissolution, the Company shall decide on the use of the Company's assets. Notice of the resolution to dissolve shall be given to all members.

These Articles of Association have been approved by resolution of the General Assembly (online) of 20.11.2020 and shall enter into force immediately. They replace the previous version dated 15.06.2012.

  1. Statute addendum

Note: to improve the readability of the statutes, only the male form has been used. However, this always refers to both female and male persons.

Commission for Further and Continuing Education and Examination

The Commission shall develop a concept for further training for the specialisation in paediatric cardiology to become a specialist in pediatric and adolescent medicine, as well as a concept for the corresponding further training. It conducts the specialist examination annually. It determines the list of recognised annual training events and monitors the implementation of the training control.

The Examination Commission is identical to the Continuing Education Commission. Its composition is regulated in the FMH continuing education programme, pediatric and adolescent medicine, specialisation in pediatric cardiology (page 3, section 4.3.). One member of the committee is ex officio from the board of the SGPK. One of the 4 members is President of the Commission.

The Examination Commission shall appoint 3 examiners for each examination. The examiners shall, whenever possible, be selected and assigned in such a way that they do not have to examine a candidate who has worked in the same training centre during his/her period of training. The Commission shall appoint one of the three examiners as examiner.



German-language original, as a printable PDF.